Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wow... Where do I start? Slow going...

Good mid-July all... I have a little notebook that I have for blog ideas. And the past month and a half have been crazy. I haven't been able to do any of my beauty posts. My father will be 80 in October; he lives with me and my family. He has Dementia/Alzheimer’s. His condition has been progressing over the last 2 months, and as his caregiver a lot of my time goes to him. I'm young, I'm only 28. My parents were "older" parents. My mom was almost 43 when I was born, and my dad was almost 51 when I came around. My mom found out she had ovarian cancer when I was 13, and she ended up passing away just after my 20th birthday. So now my dad is almost 80, I chose to care for him, because well, he's my dad and I love him. He can barely do simple things anymore as he doesn't understand how things work. For example. He's having problems getting dressed. He typically wears polo styled shirts, but with the Dementia/Alzheimer’s, he wears them inside out and backwards. He doesn't know how to use a belt anymore. He has many problems buttoning and zipping his pants. And doesn't understand the concept of elastic waistband pants. Lately though, he's been putting his boxer shorts over his pants. He occasionally leaves the door open when he leaves the house. And it's been getting worse over the past couple months. My brothers and I have decided that it's time to find an assisted living place for him. And Dad is on board. His doctor also recommended this as well. Over the last month, my brothers and I have been getting everything prepared for the transition, and there is much more to do/figure out. Most of my summer has been trying to put all these pieces together and figuring out how and what needs to come first, leaving me not much time to work on my blog. ALSO, my camera has not been working properly so I've tried to do a couple reviews for some items, but I can't take photos! Grr... Bear with me here folks! I'm trying!